WPC in the News
Showing 1 - 9 out of 22

Net Lease Investors Eye Cross-Border Opportunities and New Property Types in 2025
The net lease market is positioned for change in 2025, with investors monitoring trends in geographic expansion and property types, as well as shifting economic factors. While the US remains a key...
What the Latest Rate Cuts Mean for the Net Lease Sector
The persistent high cost of capital, along with the fact that large amounts of corporate debt are set to mature, have been ongoing challenges for investors. The Fed’s recent rate cut – the first...
Keeping Up with Industrial in a ‘Wildcard’ Year
Uncertainty around interest rates, slowed transactional volumes, and a future of unknowns has left investors in the industrial sector watching trends closely. “This year has been a bit of a wildcard...
‘We’re Bullish On Net Lease Retail’
Investors are flocking to the net lease sector anew as the Fed pauses its rate actions and cap rates stabilize, W. P. Carey’s Michael Fitzgerald told GlobeSt. GlobeSt's Holly Amaya spoke with...
Navigating Net Lease Retail
Rising interest rates, increased cap rates, and sluggish deal activity created changes in the retail market over the past couple of years. Indeed, the bid-ask spread left many retail net lease deals...
How Sale-Leasebacks Help PE Raise Capital in a Tight Market
Funding for growth, refinancing corporate debt, and merger and acquisition activities are top priorities for many private equity firms. A recent PwC report noted that 60% of CEOs plan to...
Where Will Net Lease Go in 2024?
In 2023, higher debt costs, a looming $2 trillion-plus wave of corporate debt coming due and other economic uncertainty have clouded the CRE outlook. And while the net lease sector, with its low risk...
Tips for Ensuring a Successful Sale-Leaseback
A “great tool in really uncertain times,” the sale-leaseback can give immediate access to capital and minimize debt market exposure during uneasy economic periods. But for many looking to utilize it,...